Modeling: Having Kittens

A little background

  • In case you are trying the MARS MAP Classroom Challenges for the first time, it is recommended that you read the Brief Guide for teachers and administrators before you get started.
  • This lesson is designed to help students develop strategies for modeling. Note that a video of this lesson is available in the professional development materials.
  • Before the lesson, students attempt the problem individually. You then review their work and write questions to help students improve their solutions.
  • At the start of the lesson, students work individually answering questions about the same problem. In small groups, students then work collaboratively on the task. In the same small groups, students evaluate sample solutions. In a whole-class discussion, students explain and compare the alternative solution strategies they have seen and used.
  • In a follow-up lesson, students review what they have learned.
  • Additional resources for this lesson include: having_kittens_slides.ppt


  • To help you assess how well students are able to interpret a situation and represent the constraints and variables mathematically.
  • To help you assess how well students are able to select appropriate mathematical methods to use.
  • To help you assess how well students are able to make sensible estimates and assumptions.
  • To help you assess how well students are able to investigate an exponentially increasing sequence.
  • To help you assess how well students are able to communicate their reasoning clearly.
90 mins HSF.LE.A.1B HSF.LE.A.1C HSF.LE.A.1A K-12.MP.1 K-12.MP.2 K-12.MP.3 K-12.MP.4 K-12.MP.5 HSN.Q.A.1 HSN.Q.A.2 HSN.Q.A.3 HSF.LE.A.3 HSF.LE.A.4 HSF.LE.A.2 HSF.LE.A.1
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