Using Coordinates to Interpret and Represent Data

A little background

  • In case you are trying the MARS MAP Classroom Challenges for the first time, it is recommended that you read the Brief Guide for teachers and administrators before you get started.
  • Before the lesson, students work individually on an assessment task designed to reveal their current understanding and difficulties. You review their responses and create questions for them to consider when improving their work.
  • After a brief introduction, students work collaboratively in small groups interpreting a graph. They then exchange their interpretation with a group that worked on a different graph. Each group sketches the other group's interpretation as a graph.
  • Students then share their work.
  • In a whole-class discussion, students review what they have learned.
  • In a follow-up lesson students use their learning and your questions to review their work.
  • Additional resources for this lesson include: l100_using_coordinates_slides display.ppt


  • To help you assess how well students are able to work in the coordinate plane to solve a problem in a real-world context.
  • To identify and help students who have difficulty measuring and interpreting horizontal or vertical intervals on graphs.
60 mins 6.G.A 6.G.A.2 6.G.A.1 6.G.A.3 K-12.MP.1 K-12.MP.2 K-12.MP.7 6.G.A.4
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